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4 sections of song:

Group 1 - section 1
Group 2 - section 2
Group 3 - section 3

Groups 1, 2, 3 come together for last section

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  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 1

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Have 3 students standing/3 kneeling/3 sitting      XXX (row 3)
                                                                              XXX (row 2)
                                                                              XXX (row 1)
                                                                       ____________________ (edge of stage)

~Open curtain~
Group 1 already on stage when music starts (Group 2 behind Group 1 crouched down)

I see trees of green, red roses too (raise hand (fist) with green glove - open on "green"/raise other hand on "red" (fist)

I see them bloom for me and you (open red hand on "bloom")

And I think to myself what a wonderful world (spread both hands out toward audience)

(Group 1 gets up quickly to reveal Group 2 waiting behind them) 

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 2

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 2

Group 2 is in 4 rows of 2                                X   (1 - blue)    X
                                                                        X   (2 - white)   X
                                                                        X  (3 - yellow)  X
                                                                        X   (4 - black)   X  

Students are facing each  other with piece of material between them (blue/white/yellow/black)

I see skies of blue (row 1 raises material over head and slowly brings it down)
and clouds of white (row 2 is next)
The bright blessed day (row 3 next) 
the dark sacred night (row 4)

And I think to myself what a wonderful world (all 4 rows raise material over head again and then move on stage to let Group 3 on.

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 3

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 3

Group 3 moves onto stage and stands side by side      XXXXXX  (holding tissue paper flower)

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky (raises flower over head and then moves it in front of face)

Are also on the faces of people going by (on the word "faces" moves flower to side to reveal their own face)

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do (places flower behind back with left hand and shakes hand with other a partner and then bows/curtsy towards each other)

They're really saying I love you (gives partner a hug while Groups 1 and 2 come back on stage - some hand in hand, hugging, etc.)

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Groups 1, 2, 3

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Groups 1, 2, 3

All groups back on stage (each student will either be in groups of 2 or 3)

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow (students will "cradle" other students/spin/put down)

They'll learn much more than I'll never know (all students spin in circle)

And I think to myself what a wonderful world (students get in position for final stunt)

Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world. (final stunt - 2 bases kneeling/1 flyer/1 guard)

Oh Yeah.  (students raise hands and "sparkle")




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