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Form FAQ/Breakdown
Basic Options:
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Make a comment
This is the main message or content you want create or add.
Add a Title
This is an identifier/summary for your post. Titles are optional* for response posts. Titles add power and flexibility to your post (as users can open and close your message and its replies or even open it in its own page).
Add a keyword
Add keywords to guide the appropriate people to your content or for organizational purposes. You may also drag/drop or copy/paste pictures/content from other pages as your keyword.
Advanced Options:
Relation to Topic (categorize how closely this post relates to the main topic)
- Central- nailed it.
- Largely Related (default)- pretty close.
- Somewhat Related- there is a point in there somewhere...
- Other - Humerous, etc.- off topic.
This post contains (categorize the content of this post)
- Fact- Just the facts...
- Theory- An unproven idea that could be true.
- Opinion- a judgment or viewpoint (usually unprovable or simply wrong).
- Other- I don't know. I think somebody saw one once...
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Ownership/Viewing Options
- Don't Publish- removes any public links to your project from iDrafted.
- Members Only- means only logged in members will be able to view your project/post.
- Me Only- makes your project/post completely private. You can only view it while logged into your account
- Crowdsource- gives up ownership of the project to "the crowd". All decisions about changes in the project will require votes from active project members based on standard or customized terms.
*Some optional activity results in a charge against your current Lennies balance. There are often ways to waive any charge or to earn additional Lennies.