Click or tap here then click/tap again where you want this moved (top/left corner).
Clear everything.
Push Pin:
Pin the note to the note area
Tack the note to a specific part of the page.
Stick the note to a specific part of the screen (like it's taped from the outside).
Save or restore important data.
Lock and unlock the work area. Unlocked means you can edit it. Locked can't be changed and the links become live.
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It's your page. Copy/paste photos or save notes here!

Feel free to edit, move, or resize virtually everything.

Notes (Text based walk-thru)

Image result for notes icon

Notes are a really effective way to brainstorm, create projects, organize and generally help you get through the day. 

Have you ever heard, "If I don't write it down, I won't remember it?"

iDrafted is the just the place to help!

hide/show General Entries [7]

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by iDrafted


Click "New Note" in the area menu (above).  Click the orange "Pin to Area" icon on the note.

Click the toolbox icon (on the lower icon bar) to open the main menu.  Either click "My Notes" directly (shortcut) or hover over "My Notes" until the sub-menu options appear, then click "New Note".  Drag or move the main page note beside the other note and hit the gray "Tack to Page" icon.

Type two different messages into the two notes (or copy/paste two different pictures into the notes).

Move the mouse above this post and click the main area link "Notes" just above that (shortcut to hide/show the entire area)  Click the "Notes" main area link several more times to see the area note disappear with the area.  Notice that the main page note responds to the change in the page but it remains visible...

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by iDrafted

Try clicking the blue "Stick to Screen" icon and repeating the main area toggle.  Notice that the area note disappears but the main page note remains visible and in exactly the same spot...

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by iDrafted

Hit refresh and you will see that the area note is gone but the main page note is exactly when you left it...

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by iDrafted

You can perform a similar experiment with embedded content.  For example, you can click this post.  Click the blue "Stick to Page" icon and scroll to the top of the page.  Now click the gray "Tack to Page" icon.

If you scroll back down to the main area link and click it, this post will disappear from the top of the page & it will reappear as you click the main area link again...

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by iDrafted

Again, if you hit refresh, this content will return to its original position, color, et cetera.

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by iDrafted

In short, there are three primary options for notes: main page notes (automatically saved), area notes (temporary), and direct editing/annotating the page content (temporary).

If you own the post or it's a public/crowd-sourced entry, you can also edit it and submit your changes for permanent display...

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by iDrafted

Generally* you can easily resize, drag, and embed notes (& entries)  to rearrange content or add to it in a way that makes sense to you.

*There is some difference between browsers and mobile users have fewer (touch/drag/resize) options than desktop/mouse users.




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Normal notes save until the tab is closed. Saved notes save until you purge your browser cache.


[Each ad on the page is enclosed in a scratchpad area...]